The Conservative People’s Party

Political Manifesto

Welfare and healthcare for everyone

The Conservative People’s Party wants to improve the Danish healthcare system by enhancing professional standards and treatments in both hospitals and care homes. Everyone in Denmark with a residence permit has universal access to healthcare services provided by the Danish state. The Party believes that it should stay that way.

Promoting law and order – tough on crime

It is important that everyone in Denmark feels safe. Therefore, it is crucial that criminals are punished according to the damage inflicted on society. The Conservative People’s Party wants to allocate more resources to the local police forces to further decrease crime rates.

Enhancing innovation and growth through a lower tax scheme

The Conservative People’s Party wants to eliminate corporate tax in order to generate growth and improve Danish companies’ international competitiveness. Moreover, the Party is determined to remove bureaucratic and administrative barriers to trade that limit companies’ ability to operate in a globalized world.

Children are the future – a contract between generations

The first 1000 days of a child’s life are crucial for its future development. The Party works to ensure that every child is brought up to have the best opportunities in life. This requires a safe environment, good and flexible day-care options, along with a high-quality education system.

A stronger defence

The Conservative People’s Party wants to allocate more resources to the Danish national defence. Moreover, the Party recognizes the need for strong international alliances and therefore works to maintain a robust unilateral military cooperation through NATO.

Party Leadership

Mrs. Mona Juul
Party leader
Mr. Michael Ziegler
Deputy leader, political
Henrik Weiglin
Mr. Henrik Sølje Weiglin
Deputy leader, organizational
Søren Vandsø
Mr. Søren Vandsø
Secretary General

The European Parliament:

Member of the European People’s Party (EPP)

Member of the European Parliament (MEP): Pernille Weiss

International Secretary: Mrs Ulrica Helgesson

Pernille Weiss             EPP

The Danish Parliament:

In the 2022 General Elections, The Conservative People´s Party got 5.5% of the votes. The Conservative People´s Party currently holds 10 seats in the Danish parliament. 

Members of Parliament

Group Chairman: Mrs Mai Mercado
Group Vicechairman: Mrs Mona Juul

Mr Søren Pape Poulsen

Mrs Mette Abildgaard

Mr Rasmus Jarlov

Mr Per Larsen

Mrs Helle Bonnesen

Mr Niels Flemming Hansen

Mrs Brigitte Klintskov Jerkel

Mrs Lise Bertelsen

Members of the Conservative People´s Party (2-2-2023): 12.674

History – timeline

1916 – A new party emerges

The Conservative People’s Party was founded on the 22nd of February 1916 by members of the political right-wing parties Højre, De Frikonservative and Venstre. The idea at the time was to establish a more modern conservative party with a strong social profile and appeal to what was considered the middleclass in Denmark. The Conservative People’s Party’s vote share was 18,3% in the 1918 general election.

1940-1945 – The Conservative People’s Party fought for Danish liberation

During the Second World War, The Conservative People’s Party supported the Danish resistance movement that fought to liberate Denmark from the Nazi occupation. Party leader Mr Christmas Møller encouraged young men to join the resistance movement from his temporary residence in London. The Conservative People’s Party was one of the most outspoken critical voices during the war.

1982-1993– Poul Schlüter: The Conservative era in Danish politics

In 1982, the Conservative leader Poul Schlüter became Prime Minister of Denmark. He was the architect behind some of the most comprehensive social and financial reforms of the century. The Conservative leader changed the Danish economy in part by turning a great number of public institutions into private companies. Poul Schlüter remained in office for 11 years and by the end of his term, Denmark had grown into one of the strongest economies in Europe.

2001- The new millennium

The Conservative People’s Party has had decisive influence on Danish politics since the beginning of the new century. The Party has been an active member of government for many years (2001-2011, 2016-2019), and when in opposition has provided credible criticism of Social Democrat governments.



Secretary general:

Mr Søren Vandsø:

— +45 61 62 43 75


Head of press: Mr Filip Lauritzen: – +45 61 62 50 39

Press-hotline: +45 70 70 28 21


International secretary:

Mrs Ulrica Helgesson :

— +45 61 62 31 54